Monday, June 20, 2011

Those Soul-Sucking Robo-Calls

Last night I answered the phone, and it was a robo-call from Mike Huckabee. I didn't pay much attention to what the recording was saying, but heard something about "stopping those frightening Freedom From Religion advocates". When we receive these calls, I like to stay on the line and wait for the real human can come on and hear what the call is really about.

Soon a woman came on the line and said "Do you want our schools to teach the history of gays and not allow prayer?" and I answered "of course." Hoping for a passionate, "of course NOT" she then said, "let me repeat that" and then repeated her question, and I answered "absolutely!" She stuttered, mumbled, and then said"goodbye" and hung up.

As I walked away from that conversation, I felt sick inside that her question would most likely raise funds and interest for her candidate. Where is the discussion about health insurance, school funding, unemployment, the war? Can't we use our brains to solve problems in our country instead of silly, emotional debates?

1 comment:

  1. Silly, emotional debates are the American way! Using our brains is just European style socialism. I like your responses though. Very disarming and the lack of response indicates the caller had not considered that there actually is an alternative viewpoint.
